Today I actually did what I tried to do yesterday- homework! hahaha I cranked out a lesson plan for tutoring on monday, made a game for my lesson, and wrote a paper about things i was suppose to learn but did not learn in ethics this semester haha. This was all fuled by the wonderful brunch that my mom made this morning! She made us belgium waffles and bacon! I infused some maple syrup with orange zest and a little orange juice for my my waffles and it was delicious!!

Of course I went back for seconds and topped my other piece of a waffle with some coconut and maple syrup. yummm I just wished there had been more orange infused syrup because that would have made it even better!

Then I worked on my homework for a longgg while and eventually snacked on some triscuits and roasted garlic hummus (sabra of course is the best brand). I had never had the fire roasted tomato and olive oil triscuits before but they are delicious and perfect for eating with hummus! When I finally finished my homework I started working on the deviled eggs for Easter tomorrow. I don't have a picture yet but you'll get to see them tomorrow!

For dinner my dad was grilling hamburgers which I am not really a fan of so I just ate some leftover orange beef stirfry.

But my mom also wanted to make sure I got a picture of the food they were eating.

After dinner I made some more c
arrot cake cookies because I had leftover filling from me and Rachel's baking extravaganza the other day!

These are seriously my new favorite cookies, even without the filling they are so delicious! I'm not even that big of a fan of carrot cake but these cookies are so good! They are super moist and really cinnamony and delicious! And of course the pineapple cream cheese filling is really good too!
I did some yoga while I waited for the cookies to cool and then I filled them up! Now I'm off to take a shower and hopefully go to bed early! Tomorrow is church, and then my grandparents are coming over for Easter "dinner" which is really lunch and to celebrate my dad's birthday which was a couple weeks ago. Then I have to head back to Richmond because unlike Prince William County- Henrico has school Monday so I have to tutor! I hope everyone has a great Easter and remember Jesus is the reason for the season! He was crucified to save all of us and then rose from the dead on Easter! So take some time out of candy and Easter dinner to thank God for sending his son to save us!
i am so excited to eat those carrot cake cookies on tuesday hahaha