Today has been such a blah day!!!! Last night I discovered that Hulu has movies! So I went through all of them and made a list of ones I wanted to watch and then watched a movie and ended up falling asleep around 2ish lol. Also Kylin gave me this last night that she found when she was cleaning her room!

So I snacked on one of the cookies and the peppermint stick last night! So this morning I slept until noon then woke up and caught up on blogs and facebook! Then I took a shower and made lunch. I used my new spinach wraps topped with some goat cheese brie, sprouts, tomatoes, and some sliced asiago. I warmed it up in the microwave and then attempted to wrap it, however it wouldn't stay unless I was holding it shut because it was so full. So I took a picture of it unwrapped so you could see everything inside of it!

Then I basically sat around working on random homework and not doing much of anything. Before I knew it it was time for my ethics class. We discuessed Nickle and Dimed (horrible book I do not recomend it). We got out of class early so I stopped by the UPS store to return my verizon box since we have now changed it all into Megan's name since I won't be here next semester! Then I came home and made dinner!! I had some bunny butts! (annie's mac and cheese haha) It was the alfredo kind which I had never had before and it was really good! We didn't have any milk and I'm all out of plain yogurt so instead I used some sour cream and a tiny bit of mayo. I also added some chopped tomatos which gave it some liquid too. Then I topped it with a slice of the asiago cheese that I got from trader joes yesterday! It turned out much better then I was expecting and I think next time I make this I'm going to try it with plain yogurt. It says it on the box but I usually always just use milk, but I really liked it with the sour cream and I think the yogurt would be really good too.

Then for dessert I snacked on a bit of this awesome chocolate!

I've been working a little on my take home test for my tutoring class and I'm almost done with that so I think I will definitly finish it tonight. In a bit I'm heading over to Jonathan and Lars's apartment for another movie night! yay two weeks in a row! I'm glad that we are getting movie night going again this semester even if it is almost over! Then tomorrow I'm probably going to be packing and loading up my car most of the day so I can head straight home after my classes! I've got all my winter clothes and books that I don't need in the trunk and in my room I'm packing away all my dvds and other school stuff. Everything is packed either in scholastic boxes or Whole Foods bags (and now also some Trader Joes). Then I can unload everything at home and use the boxes and bags again to pack up more stuff! Hopefully when the end of the month comes I'll have most everything except my furtniture moved home so there won't be too much stuff to move!
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