So as promised here are some pictures of the Greek Style Frozen Yogurt that I got yesterday! It was pretty good, not really at all what I was expecting. It wasn't really
raspberry, it was just swirled with
raspberry. It was also like legit pumped into the container straight from a frozen yogurt machine!

Greek Style made in New Zealand

Anyways, for breakfast I tried this Pink Grapefruit Wallaby yogurt! It was really really good! I don't know why more people don't make pink grapefruit yogurt- it seems like a great breakfast combination! My only complaint is that it was so thin! I'm haven't had non
greek yogurt in forever and I now remember why! I don't like my yogurt thin but this grapefruit flavor made it worth it!

So after breakfast I took my dog in to get her toe nails clipped! You would have thought she was being murdered by all the noises she was making! The lady said probably because I was standing right there she knew that if she complained about it she would get a big treat after! My dog is so smart because she got a nice big bone afterwards!
Charlotte got her treat so stopped by Starbucks to get one for myself! An iced apple
I also stopped by
Wegmans to get my
Seabreeze that apparently nobody else sells! And it just happened to be around lunch time so I got myself some sushi! A spider roll

And for my sister I got her some cream of crab soup! Last time we went to
Wegmans for lunch we went at like 2:30 after she got back from school, well apparently the crab shack is closed then! My sister was so sad because she had been thinking about that soup all day and then couldn't have it! She was really excited for her soup!

So we ate lunch and Charlotte continued to eat her bone!!! (and she still is now-many hours later!)

After lunch I went to
McKays- the used book store in
Manassas to take a bazillion books that my mom cleaned off the bookshelf. I got store credit and got 5 books for myself! I got my own copy of Twilight and New Moon (so I don't have to borrow my sisters to read anymore!! I also got Chasing Harry Winston by Lauren
Weisberger (the one who wrote the Devil Wears
Prada), Love the One Your With by Emily
Giffin (i love her books), The Pact by Jodi
Piccolt (
i've never read her books but Rachel keeps telling me I need to!), and Jane Austins Book Club by I'm not sure because they are upstairs but I've heard its good! Anyways after I came back from that I had a snack of a banana with almond butter!

Then I sat around and watched a little
tv with my sister before starting dinner! While I made dinner I drank this
Cocount Juice with Lime- it was really good!!!

And for dinner I made pork tenderloin that had been marinating overnight in about a cup of maple syrup, a couple tablespoons of mustard, and 4 cloves of garlic. It was really really really good! It kind of reminded me of the topping that Jess makes for her corned beef with brown sugar and mustard and I think next time I would add that to the top to give it that extra
yumminess! And then to go along with that I made risotto from scratch! It was basically this
recipe only it used a lot more vegetable stock and took a lot more time than the recipe said but it was so worth it!

Anyways right now I'm watching Australia with the family and so far it is really good! Although I think its funny that they have Nicole
Kidman who is Australian playing a British person that is in Australia! Hope everyone has a great night! I'm so excited for Florida on Monday!!!!!
omg i want sushi so badddddd i cant wait till floridaaa