I have to admit that I did not make that amazing dessert pictured below or any of the food but Sara did an amazing job making appetizers, dinner, dessert, snacks, and cocktails for her Valentines party!!!
So after Sara's party I went back to Maggie's with Jess and Monica and slept there and proceeded to spend half of Sunday hanging out at Maggies. I ate my delisious cheescake factory leftovers which are not pictured because I ate them before I thought about it!!! But it was leftover spaghetti with a garlic sauce and mushrooms, asparagus, and roasted tomatoes. And then of course I had some leftover cheescake because what would a trip to the Cheescake factory be without cheescake! I tried a slice that had a chocoalte coconut macaroon crust and coconut cream cheescake. The actual cheescake part was only okay but the crust more then made up for it and I probably would have eaten just that and been completly happy.
Then later that night Maggie and I went to the TT Lounge which is my new favorite place for some Boba tea! I am almost ashamed to admit that I've been there 3 times since Thursday. On Thursday I had my first boba experience with a coconut milk tea. I was immediatly hooked and went back on Saturday to try a pineapple slush which was also amazing. Sunday I got a peach slush and Maggie and I took our boba to the Byrd to go see Twilight! It was the first time I had seen it since reading midnight sun and it was even better then the first 2 times I saw it ahahaha. Anyways Edward Cullen made a great end to a great weekend.
Today I didn't have my tutoring class because Henrico didn't have school because it was Presidents Day- so I got to sleep in!!!!!! Basically I did homework all day and cooked some mac and cheese for lunch because I need to use up my milk before it goes bad! I made it with mushrooms and onions and garlic and cheddar cheese and it was fabulous. I also ate the leftovers for dinner so yeah not very exciting.
So since I had no pictures of anything I cooked this weekend I will leave you with fun things that I've made in the past so you can look forward to something!!!

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